Full Example — Rhomberg Integration
In numerical analysis, Romberg’s method (Romberg 1955) is a numerical approach used to estimate the definite integral .
import math.pow
def romberg(f: Double => Double, a: Double, b: Double): Double = {
def R(n: Int, m: Int): Double = (n, m) match {
case (0, 0) => {
0.5 * (b - a) * (f(a) + f(b))
case (_, 0) => {
val hn = (b - a) / pow(2.0, n)
val s = for (k < - 1 until pow(2, n-1).toInt) yield
f(a + hn * (2.0 * k - 1.0))
0.5 * R(n - 1, 0) + hn * s.sum
case (_, _) => {
val q4m = pow(4.0, m)
val frac = 1.0 / (q4m - 1.0)
frac * (q4m * R(n, m - 1) - R(n - 1, m - 1))
R(20, 5)
def f(x: Double): Double = x * x + 2 * x + 1
val r = romberg(f, 0, 5)
println("Integral de x * x + 2 * x + 1 em [0, 5] = " + r)